A Time of Transition

We are currently in that weird season of transition. Not only in life...a new year, new goals, etc. but also in design and business. I am constantly looking forward...trying to predict what my customers will be looking for, what the shop is going to look like and our overall design direction to create a plan for the year ahead (as much as that is possible). What are our goals? What do we want to accomplish? Where do we start? But honestly in this transitional non-season, it can be hard to stay motivated. Although the new year gleams with endless possibilities, by the time the new year rolls around, I am tired and completely fried from the craziness of the previous year and the holiday season. I am depleted.
The truth is that although the new year is a new beginning for a lot of people, as a business owner it’s the end of your busy season and you can get pretty burned out. I know that sounds a little “glass half-empty" but it’s real. So, what do you do? For the past few years, I have given myself this transition-period as a bit of a break. Although I never stop working, I try to be more present in my everyday life. Which is not an easy thing for me to do. The “go-go-go" lifestyle that our family lives is where I am most comfortable so I have to consciously slow myself down and step away. Instead of focusing on work all day every day, I take the time to take the kids out skating, to basketball games or on Saturday outings instead of being completely tethered to the shop. After doing this for the past few years, I've found that even though I am taking a step away, it's a really healthy thing and actually has become the ultimate re-set. Not only for myself but for my family and business as well.
And now that it’s mid-January, I am ready to start fresh. The kids are back at school, there aren’t any immediate holidays coming up and the shop is a blank canvas. I have reached the point where my I am looking forward to the new season with new energy, perspective and excitement. Everything’s possible and I’m here for it.
For business owners and creative souls, constant experience and activity can feel like air. We need it. We thrive on it. And it’s hard to know who you are when you slow down. But I’ve found that for me, that taking a step back is the real way to move forward. It’s a time to just be. And over the past few years, this non-season has kind of become my favorite season. As I look at the year ahead, I have a renewed sense of excitement for all of the possibilities and I cannot wait to get back to what I love; creating spaces for you. So, cheers to a new year, new experiences and embracing all of our transitions.
I really can’t wait to see where this year takes us! See you soon!
Best, Andrea