A very Merry Everything

It’s been a while since my last blog post, not because I haven’t wanted to but because I just haven’t had the time to gather my thoughts and put them on paper...

A Time of Transition
We are currently in that weird season of transition. Not only in life...a new year, new goals, et...

10 Random Facts
I have to admit, I'm kind of a sucker for reading the “10 Facts About Me” things that people post...

Oh Christmas Tree
To me, nothing says Christmas like a big, beautiful Christmas Tree. It’s that perfect combination...

The Way I See It
The Way I See It
A few weeks back I had asked you guys to help me think of things I could write ...

The Struggle Is Real
After a ton of work, lots of learning and A LOT of help & guidance from some incredible desig...

Hi, my name is Andrea
Hi, my name is Andrea and I don’t know how to blog. Seriously though, I don’t. I do, however, kno...

Blessings in disguise: The way it started (long version)
If there is one thing that our family has learned over the recent years, it is that we are never ...

The Stairway to Nowhere
When you walk into our shop, one of the first things people notice is our beautiful, old stairway...